We had a nice outing to the park. No other dogs, I guess they were all home eating turkey. The white streak you see coming is Gandolph, he got busy sniffing and suddenly realized Alexis and I were not with him!
Irene is having a good time with Chole and Jaco. When she arrives Jaco tells her good morning then says do you want a peanut! He has her trained pretty well already! He must have a cold he has been sneezing alot too :-)
Lucky has totally accepted me and Michelle is coming around. Of course K.C. and Marsie are sweet as ever. K.C. is getting a little jealous now that my fan club is getting bigger.
Lucky, Marsie and KC all were at the door to greet me, while Brown Nose ran for dear life. He wasn't falling for my ms nice guy act. Michelle was out in the kitty cabana but came in and hid when I went out to scoop the litter.
Everyone is fine. Mama L. came back inside today. Cutie Pie is still hiding on me. Boo-Boo and Tinkie both keep me company. They are all looking forward to seeing you back home!
Everybody is fine. We had a rainy walk this morning. Lucy is so patient with Buddy. She wants to be petted so badly, but he manages to worm his way in everytime! This video didn't turn out too well but what I was trying to catch was that Buddy layed his head over my shoulder moping the whole time I was petting Lucy!
Boo-Boo is getting a little braver. He didn't run when I came out with the food today. Tinkie must be boss. Boo-Boo had to wait patiently for him to finish.